( Leave a message below if
you know the card's story. )

Name: Roseo
Type: Humanoid
Max Level: 45
Sells for 20,000 Gil
Att: 3031 / Def: 809 / Cost: 16
Humanoid and monster cards
gain a 10% damage bonus.

Reward from Cursed Castle Event
for Rank #1.
you know the card's story. )

Name: Roseo
Type: Humanoid
Max Level: 45
Sells for 20,000 Gil
Att: 3031 / Def: 809 / Cost: 16
Humanoid and monster cards
gain a 10% damage bonus.

Reward from Cursed Castle Event
for Rank #1.
Can be sold for 20,000
ReplyDeleteSkill Bonus : Humanoid and monster cards gain a 10% damage bonus.
Thanks and congrats Francis :)