Name: Immortal Spirit
Type: Monster
Max Level: 50
Sells for 30,000 Gil
Att: 2514 / Def: 1686 / Cost: 14
Att: 8541 / Def: 4626 / Cost: 14
( Numbers vary after fusion. )
Grants a 20% bonus to
VP gained after battle.

Attainable from completing
"Cursed Castle" series

This Cards Base Stats are Att 2514 Def 1686 cost 14 Lvl 1-50 Sells for 30.000
ReplyDeleteSkill - Grants a 20% Bonus to VP gained after Battle. Good luck folks
Thanks for the stats. :)
DeleteSo I have one "All Things Come Together", and according to the "Reward" section of Cursed Castle, I'm only missing "Wherein We Exist" and "Immortal Body". (Evidently not including "Yet Become Nothing", "All Things Together", or "Seek to Continue") I've got 100000 Seal Points and will get "Wherein We Exist" because of it and then I can fuse "Death" with it to get "Immortal Body".
ReplyDeleteBasically, I'm wondering if I can get "Immortal Spirit" for completing the series after the event is over? Because I need the prizes to complete it. Help?
You'll only recieve the prizes after the event, and I believe you can still complete the deck even after the event is over. :)
DeleteHow do the max stats vary after fusion for this card?